Last May Facebook as the owner of WhatsApp has released a feature so that WhatsApp users can make video calls up to 50 people. By using this feature, users don't need to bother installing other additional applications.
This feature can be used by using the messenger room. Users only need to use whatsapp web at the address on their laptop or PC browser.
Here's an easy tutorial:
- Connect the whatsapp account on your cellphone to the To connect, users only need to press the three dot icon on WhatsApp on their respective cellphones.
- After that, users only need to select whatsapp web then scan the barcode listed on the earlier.
- After connecting the whatsapp web, the user must select the three dot icon on the top left. It is parallel to the user's profile.
- Then, after that the user only needs to select the "create room" option at that time, the user will be given a choice which, if he wants to use this feature, the user will be taken to a new page.
- Here, users must log in or log in using their Facebook account if they want to continue making video calls. The user will be directed to a page that provides a special link that can be copied to invite other users.
After that, the user will automatically create a room where to join, other users must enter a link that only belongs to the room creator.
Second Way ..
There are other ways in which users do not need to provide a link or address like the method above. The method is also quite easy, here is the direct way.
For this method, the user must first access whatsapp web first, where then the user only needs to select the contact he wants to go to, then select the paper clip-shaped icon at the right end of whatsapp web.
The next step is the same as the first method where the user only has to wait for other users to join or not. Fixed links will be provided by the messenger room so that other users can join.
Apart from that, this second method can also be used for group calls. Users just need to enter the group which then performs the steps above easily.
So, those are the ways you can make video calls for 50 people on whatsapp web, so that users don't have to bother installing other applications.
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