he Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a favorite game for many gamers, but even true fans of the game must admit that combat in the game is very rigid and not so complex. To correct this problem, the modder tries as much as possible to "tidy up" the combat system to make it more interesting and exciting.
YouTuber named Lowender became one of the people who are so obsessed with overhauling the fighting system of this game. He wants to change Skyrim to be more like The Witcher series, especially The Witcher 3. To achieve this vision, he downloads and installs 11 different mods, and you can see the results yourself through this video.
Because the foundation of Skyrim is indeed rigid for fighting matters, the results achieved are still far from a perfect replica. But in broad outline, Lowender has fulfilled any checklist that exists in The Witcher's combat system starting from dodge, the presence of sign, lock-on, and others.
It seems that with dozens or even hundreds of mods, it will be difficult for you to replicate your favorite game via Skyrim. Limitations that have on the engine create many limitations also on the results created by the modder.
YouTuber named Lowender became one of the people who are so obsessed with overhauling the fighting system of this game. He wants to change Skyrim to be more like The Witcher series, especially The Witcher 3. To achieve this vision, he downloads and installs 11 different mods, and you can see the results yourself through this video.
Because the foundation of Skyrim is indeed rigid for fighting matters, the results achieved are still far from a perfect replica. But in broad outline, Lowender has fulfilled any checklist that exists in The Witcher's combat system starting from dodge, the presence of sign, lock-on, and others.
It seems that with dozens or even hundreds of mods, it will be difficult for you to replicate your favorite game via Skyrim. Limitations that have on the engine create many limitations also on the results created by the modder.
Skyrim Players Try Replication of Combat The Witcher 3 with Dozens of Mods
he Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a favorite game for many gamers, but even true fans of the game must admit that combat in the game is very rigid and not so complex. To correct this problem, the modder tries as much as possible to "tidy up" the combat system to make it more interesting and exciting.
YouTuber named Lowender became one of the people who are so obsessed with overhauling the fighting system of this game. He wants to change Skyrim to be more like The Witcher series, especially The Witcher 3. To achieve this vision, he downloads and installs 11 different mods, and you can see the results yourself through this video.
Because the foundation of Skyrim is indeed rigid for fighting matters, the results achieved are still far from a perfect replica. But in broad outline, Lowender has fulfilled any checklist that exists in The Witcher's combat system starting from dodge, the presence of sign, lock-on, and others.
It seems that with dozens or even hundreds of mods, it will be difficult for you to replicate your favorite game via Skyrim. Limitations that have on the engine create many limitations also on the results created by the modder.
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