
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope, the second series in the Dark Pictures Anthology series, developed by the developer Supermassive Games and published by Bandai Namco, has just installed an updated trailer asking for the date of release.

After a long time of silence regarding the release date of a game that is predicted to be more scary than this Medan Man, finally Bandai Namco gave a definite release date in exchange for Halloween, a time that was deemed appropriate for playing a horror game.

Bandai Namco Finally Announces Release Date for The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope

Unlike the Medan man, Harapan Kecil himself will take on a thicker supernatural theme complete with street stories and more sinister place arrangements in villages that are easily understood.

In addition to being able to be played by single players, the online multiplayer feature that is shared by the story will also be brought back in this game, allowing us to play it with other players online and determine which step is better faced with choices that are difficult to choose.

The Dark Pictures Anthology: Small Hope itself plans to be released on October 30, 2020 on the PlayStation 4, Xbox one, and PC.

Bandai Namco Finally Announces Release Date for The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope

The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope, the second series in the Dark Pictures Anthology series, developed by the developer Supermassive Games and published by Bandai Namco, has just installed an updated trailer asking for the date of release.

After a long time of silence regarding the release date of a game that is predicted to be more scary than this Medan Man, finally Bandai Namco gave a definite release date in exchange for Halloween, a time that was deemed appropriate for playing a horror game.

Bandai Namco Finally Announces Release Date for The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope

Unlike the Medan man, Harapan Kecil himself will take on a thicker supernatural theme complete with street stories and more sinister place arrangements in villages that are easily understood.

In addition to being able to be played by single players, the online multiplayer feature that is shared by the story will also be brought back in this game, allowing us to play it with other players online and determine which step is better faced with choices that are difficult to choose.

The Dark Pictures Anthology: Small Hope itself plans to be released on October 30, 2020 on the PlayStation 4, Xbox one, and PC.

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