After waiting for 4 seasons, Apex finally heard a few complaints from Apex Legends players who had been one of the main problems, namely there was no Reconnect feature. This feature is quite a crucial feature, because we could have killed a lot or will win in a match then we suddenly Disconnect because there is a slight connection problem or there is a problem on the Apex server.
Reporting from, they said that in season 5 the Reconnect feature that the players had asked for from the beginning of the release, this news was leaked through, then explained by a youtuber named iLootGames.
But we must be patient first because it is reported that Apex Legends Season 5 is delayed because it gives an opportunity to other players who are "Push Rank" them and also those who are Grinding Battle Pass, reportedly this Season 5 will be released on May 12.
Now if this rumor is true, will you guys go back to playing Apex Legends again? Please write in the comments column.
Reporting from, they said that in season 5 the Reconnect feature that the players had asked for from the beginning of the release, this news was leaked through, then explained by a youtuber named iLootGames.
But we must be patient first because it is reported that Apex Legends Season 5 is delayed because it gives an opportunity to other players who are "Push Rank" them and also those who are Grinding Battle Pass, reportedly this Season 5 will be released on May 12.
Now if this rumor is true, will you guys go back to playing Apex Legends again? Please write in the comments column.
RUMOR: Season 5 Apex Legends will present the Reconnect Feature
After waiting for 4 seasons, Apex finally heard a few complaints from Apex Legends players who had been one of the main problems, namely there was no Reconnect feature. This feature is quite a crucial feature, because we could have killed a lot or will win in a match then we suddenly Disconnect because there is a slight connection problem or there is a problem on the Apex server.
Reporting from, they said that in season 5 the Reconnect feature that the players had asked for from the beginning of the release, this news was leaked through, then explained by a youtuber named iLootGames.
But we must be patient first because it is reported that Apex Legends Season 5 is delayed because it gives an opportunity to other players who are "Push Rank" them and also those who are Grinding Battle Pass, reportedly this Season 5 will be released on May 12.
Now if this rumor is true, will you guys go back to playing Apex Legends again? Please write in the comments column.
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